O.K. So my wife has been meeting with this millionare friend that she met for like the last 5 months. She has suddenly become like uber successful at work making a ton of money and is reaching goals she has set for herself at a breakneck pace. So I finally have a serious conversation with her about what she's doing. "It's The Secret. You should try it." Now I know one thing, this is an Oprah book. I thought it was just for women. I rented the DVD. Turns out, not just for chicks at all. So I put together all of the things they prescribe in the movie and start out on my TLoA (Total Laws of Attraction) way. Let me tell ya, I have read a lot of negative posts around the www about this way of approaching life. Know what? Those people can kiss my ass. The power of constantly picturing yourself getting what you want as a result of writing down your goals and all the other things they suggest to do as well as staying away from negative people like the ones that knock the way of living is a crutial part of the program. Rent it people. Read the book. If on a very basic level what they're saying makes sense to you then move forward and do it. If not, leave it alone and find what works for you. Good luck. Oh, I'm picking up a new puppy today. A Westie. Cute ass dog. I'm very excited. I really need a buddy at home with all the time I spend by myself there. It's gonna be great. White, 13 week old, female. See ya.

(Queens Wave)